  1. Allegro Library For Dev-c People
  2. Allegro Library For Dev-c Students
  3. Allegro Library For Dev-c Adults

Allegro Library For Dev-c People

I would say SFML but that is just me.
For SFML I feel the pros are Amazing documentation and a very simple to use and organized API design. Is a quite fast API in my opinion and yes it does give you easy access to openGL since it was built with it.
Also there should be almost no problems with installing it now since they have precompiled versions for a lot of the major IDE's/Compilers.
I am also really liking the book that just came out on it. It seems well written except for a few grammatical mistakes that I have noticed when skimming but that is expected.
It was refreshing to hear right at the beginning of the book that they are going to put emphasis on using C++11 features and good habits. They even go into RAII as early as page 36 and then on the very next page we are off to using std::unique_ptr's :). I only just received it today and have only skimmed it but from what I have seen it looks like a great book for anyone interested in SFML game development.
But really ultimately it is up to you and whatever library you feel most comfortable with. Weigh the pros and cons for you and not what everyone else thinks. Not every library is a one size fit all type thing, so choose whatever you feel most comfortable with.

Allegro Library For Dev-c Students

I too just started working with Dev-C, and was in the process of making Allegro work with the IDE with little to no avail. Comando printf dev c++. While the library itself works - my test 'allegromessage' call works, whenever I try to use any of the system variables like 'extern int ostype,' it keeps giving me the following compile error: Compiler: Default compiler.

Allegro Library For Dev-c Adults

  • Sep 30, 2007  Allegro Game library. C / C Forums on Bytes. Post your question and get tips & solutions from a community of 444,822 IT Pros & Developers.
  • Jul 13, 2011  Part 1.2: Your First Allegro 5 program. I’m using Dev C with Allegro 5.0.6, and I’m getting several linker errors. Can someone please show me how to use Allegro library with Netbeans compiler (MinGW). I copy 3 files in pre-built MinGW binary folder to C:MinGW then compiling the above file in Netbean. But it keeps showing errors.
  • Jul 22, 2005  have downloaded Dev-c, allegro library, mingw32 and dx70 for mingw. I configured allegro under mingw32 and installed Dev-c. I wrote a simple program looking like that: Allegro is not a part of the standard C language and thus not discussed in this newsgroup. You will need advice from the experts in a Dev-C or Allegro newgroup.
  • Jul 12, 2011  In this video, we will be looking at installing Allegro 5 with Visual Studio 2010. In case you do not have the full version of Visual Studio 2010, this tutorial (and subsequent code) should work with Visual Studio VC Express. In the next section, we will look at writing our first Allegro app. A user, Mario, had this to say about Dev-C.
  • Allegro 5 is a cross-platform library mainly aimed at video game and multimedia programming. It handles common, low-level tasks such as creating windows, accepting user input, loading data, drawing images, playing sounds, etc. And generally abstracting away the underlying platform. However, Allegro is not a game engine: you are free to design and structure your program as you like.