hello there. i've installed mingw compiler and im wondering how i would go about setting up notepad++ to compile my c/c++ code?. How do i do this?

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  3. How To Access Notepad In Dev-c Computer
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Notepad supports a multi-language environment and can be downloaded in many languages. Another positive attribute, is the program does not take up too much memory on your computer. Since this program is a free source application, users can submit bug reports, request new features, and contribute to the improvement of the program. Sir, I am creating my university project on bank database system on dev c(object-oriented paradigm). So, I want to enter the data in c and wanted to save the data in the notepad file.


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May 28, 2015 1.)open notepad. 2.)type this code. Countdown: echo off. Set time=30 (you can make the time whatever you want):loop. Creating a database application in C/C is a daunting task, especially for a novice programmer. Although the actually code is quite simple, it is the configuration issues such as importing right library, drivers to use, how to access them, and so forth, that make it an uphill battle.


hello there. i've installed mingw compiler and im wondering how i would go about setting up notepad++ to compile my c/c++ code?. How do i do this?


I assume that the g++ command is in your PATH and that your environment variables are set correctly.

Then follow these steps:

  • Create a simple batch file called compile.bat which contains the following:
  • Save it in the same directory as your C++ source file.
  • In Notepad++, you open the Plugins menu > NppExec > Follow $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)
    (or you just press F5), a little dialog pops up, click the .. button and browse to the directory where your source file (and thus your batchfile) is in, select the batchfile (compile.bat) and click on Open, the path to your batchfile is now added to that textbox, now you have to put quotes (') around it, a little example:

    Let's say that the path to your batch file is: C:compile.bat , then after putting quotes around it it becomes [B]'[/B]C:compile.bat[B]'[/B] , after that you type the name you want to give to your executable file, for instance myprogram.exe, and thereafter (seperate those two with a space) you type the name of your C++ source file, for example: mysrc.cpp, the whole line would then be:

  • [B]'C:compile.bat' [I]myprogram.exe[/I] [I]mysrc.cpp[/I][/B]
How To Access Notepad In Dev-c++

Hope this helps :)

Please help me!! I am new to C++
Here is a program helped me little bit.


The above is only a sample, it does not work, Help to resolve this issue.

Let me explain how the program should?

1. I will enter a file name, then the program should add '000' three zeros before the filename, and should create a .txt file.

for example if I enter the file name as '1234567' (only digits), It should create '0001234567_OP.txt'


I can manage to put data on it.

Please help me any C++ experts, I am very new on this.

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Sky Diploma571

Next time please use code tags

There are a lot of errors in your code.

/dev-c-511-download-for-windows-10.html. Firstly

How To Access Notepad In Dev-c Word

int filename;
The above line creates an integer as filename , So How can it hold the value of a string of characters.

How To Access Notepad In Yahoo Mail

I recommend that you use String there.


This line opens a file known as filename.txt but not the desired file.

For this you should consider using the + operator for strings;

How To Access Notepad In Dev-c Computer

Here is an example that will clear you out.

How To Access Notepad In Dev-c Online

Now following the example above figure out your requirements :)