TRAKTOR is great for honing your beatmatching skills, but you can also blend genres and bridge BPMs by letting TRAKTOR PRO 3 do some of the work. Hitting the Sync button quickly gets your tracks beat-matched, so you have plenty of time to experiment with your mix. In one of my recent articles, I demonstrated how to create a simple MIDI mapping in Traktor Pro.If you're ready to advance your mapping skills, let's learn to create two advanced mappings in Traktor. Load and Sync. The first mapping that we'll create allows you to load and sync a track at the same time, and trigger both functions from a single button. May 30, 2010  The button will stay lit until the software sends another message along the lines of “OK, everything’s over now, you can go home.” You, the grand midi-mapping maestro, get to determine what events send those messages to the buttons. These are midi-out mappings, and in Traktor Pro you can add one by clicking the ‘Add Out’ button. Unleash TRAKTOR PRO 2’s full potential with the huge choice of custom MIDI hardware user mappings available online. There are few TRAKTOR features as powerful as its MIDI mapping capability. Twist knobs, push faders and punch buttons on your MIDI device to control anything you like, from track prep and selection to looping and effects triggering. Read on to find out how to best use the range of mix effects available with TRAKTOR PRO 3. To save a snapshot, click the number button below the effect and click ‘Save Snapshot’. When changes are made to the effect parameters, click the RST button to reset the controls to the snapshot setting. Jun 25, 2015 But unfortunately the map is displayed as white file, and my version of traktor pro 2.10 / traktor pro scratch 2.10 both don't accept the map file. I am running Traktor on my mac w ChrisWinchell wrote on December 27, 2015 at 19:57 So I installed Traktor Pro 2.7 on my mac running Parallel Desktop -Win7.

When I’ve taught friends to DJ, one of the things I try to get across early is the importance of matching the levels of the two tracks being mixed. A sudden big drop in the volume is a surefire way to lose energy on the dance floor – or even clear it if you’re really unlucky! The way Traktor handles metering and the labels on its volume controls can lure you into making a real mess of your levels.

When I first realised this on switching from CDJs and an analogue mixer to using Traktor and a sound card, it prompted me to take a deeper look into the best way to get the level right. Today I’m going to explain why turning the master volume down in Traktor is essential if you mix “in the box”, ie in internal mode – which if you use a DJ controller, is exactly what you do.

The problem:

How To Map Save Button Traktor Pro 3 2

You may have already run into this problem. You’ve just dropped a dancefloor-filling track, but when you try to smoothly bring in the next tune, it’s too quiet. Faders and the main volume control are already all the way up, and there’s nowhere left to go. If you’ve got the master limiter disabled, turning the channel’s gain further just results in nasty distortion. If you do have Traktor’s master limiter switched on, you can crank the volume further, but at the expense of sound quality again.

The limiter is basically a compressor, which quietens down the loudest parts of the track, “filling out” the sound to give the impression of more volume. (You know you are hitting the limiter when the red lights on Traktor’s output meters come on.)

As most dance tracks released these days are already heavily compressed, adding further compression is not a good idea if you want your set to sound good (see the Loudness Wars video for more info on the effects of over-compression).

The solution:

I’ll explain the whys and wherefores in a moment, but here’s the simple solution to the problem:

  1. Turn Traktor’s master output control down – somewhere around -10dB works well (assuming you have a decent sound card)
  2. Turn the gain on the amp or analogue mixer you’re plugged in to up to compensate if necessary – this will give you plenty of headroom, so when you drop that track that hasn’t been mastered quite so loud, you can crank up the channel gains in Traktor without worrying about distortion

Tip: If you can, sound check before your set with a track that you know is quiet – make sure it sounds loud enough and that you aren’t clipping (driving into the red) the in-house equipment that you are hooked up to.

Why it works…

The key to understanding what’s going on here is to understand what the “0dB” setting means in Traktor. dB (short for “decibel”) is a relative measure of volume – it tells you the difference between two levels.

Many analogue mixers have “0dB” marked on the VU meter – this usually corresponds to 0dBV, which means it is measuring the difference between the current level and an output voltage of 1 volt. You can push the level above this and still get a nice clean output from most mixers – on the best ones, up to +20dB on the mixer’s output meter.

But in Traktor, 0dB means “maximum output”. If you are using a good DJ sound card (or controller with a decent one built-in), this could mean you are putting out up to a walloping +20dBV. Leaving the master gain set to 0dB in Traktor is like turning every control on your mixer right up to maximum at the start of your set. Not a good idea. So why would Native Instruments choose to mark the gain control like this? Well, it’s actually fairly common for digital equipment to designate 0dB as the maximum output. If you had auto gain turned off and were using Traktor in external mixer mode, sending each tune out to your sound card at maximum volume wouldn’t be such a bad thing, as most DJ mixers can handle a pretty hot signal coming in.

Why use -10dB?
Earlier I suggested -10dB as a good setting for your master. There are a couple of reasons why.

The first is simply experience; I’ve found this gives enough headroom to level match tracks without slamming into the limiter. If you play lots of older tracks you might find you need to use an even lower setting.

The second reason is related to the actual output voltage you are sending to the next thing in the audio chain. If you’ve every played on a big system with a sound engineer, you’ve probably been asked to “keep it out of the red” – ie to stick to a maximum of 0dB on the mixer. A clean 0dBV signal allows the guy running the system to crank it up to full volume without worrying about it being destroyed.

I use a Motu UltraLite sound card which has a maximum output around 17dBV, so in theory I should set my master output in Traktor to -17dB or lower in order to give a real output of 0dBV. If I was hooking my sound card up directly to a pro amplifier or a big sound system, that’s what I would do. In most cases though, digital DJs hook up their kit to one of the mixer inputs. DJ mixers are usually optimised these days for the relatively hot output level from a Pioneer CDJ (around 6dBV). Bringing the master level up in Traktor to -10dB with my set up gives a similar level on my mixer as I get with a CDJ.


The key thing to take away here is that 0dB in Traktor really means maximum output. Using a master setting of -10dB (or even much lower) will give you a fighting chance of keeping the levels kicking on the dancefloor without distorting.

How To Map Ssave Button Traktor Pro 3

• This was a guest post by Colin Brown, who is a DJ with over 10 years’ experience, and who is also system tech for the Babble Collective Soundsystem.

Do you have level problems when using Traktor to DJ out and about with? Have you battled with a sound engineer about how the settings should be? Let us know in the comments.

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Sara Simms is here to take you beyond the techniques in her recent article on creating MIDI mappings in Traktor Pro. Learn how to create 2 advanced mappings in NIs Traktor Pro.

In one of my recent articles, I demonstrated how to create a simple MIDI mapping in Traktor Pro. If you're ready to advance your mapping skills, let's learn to create two advanced mappings in Traktor.

Load and Sync

The first mapping that we'll create allows you to load and sync a track at the same time, and trigger both functions from a single button. This is a highly useful mapping if you're a digital DJ, who frequently uses the Sync function in your sets.

Start by opening Traktor Pro, and connect your controller to the computer.

Then, go to Traktor > Preferences and navigate to the Controller Manager Section.

In the Device Setup section, you can either choose to modify the mapping for an existing device, or create a new MIDI mapping by clicking:

Add (located under the Device) then Generic MIDI.

For demonstration purposes, I'll modifying the mapping for my Traktor Kontrol X1. In the Assignment Table Section, scroll down to Load Selected (Deck Common – Deck A) and click to highlight it. Alternatively, you could delete this original function in the Assignment Table, (by highlighting, and deleting it) and add a new one by clicking:

Add In, Deck Common, and scroll down to select Load Selected.

In the Device Mappings Section, click the Learn button (it will turn yellow when clicked), and press down on the button on your controller that you would like to map. I've chosen to map the left Load button to this function. Alternatively, you can also select the button by mouse clicking the box directly to the right of Learn.

After you are finished, click again on the yellow Learn button to deselect it.

In the Mapping Details section, select the following settings:

  • Type of Controller: Button
  • Interaction Mode: Trigger
  • Assignment: Deck A

Acoustia mixcraft 2 auto tune.

(Note: You may use another Deck; however you will have to set the next mapping to same deck)

In the Assignment table, find the Sync On function and highlight it, or click Add In, Deck Common and scroll down and click on Sync On.

In the Device Mappings Section, click the Learn button (it will turn yellow when clicked), and press down on the button on your controller that you would like to map. Choose the same button that you selected for the Load function. As you can see, I've mapped the same left Load button. Remember, you can also choose to select the button by mouse-clicking on the box to the right of Learn.

In the Mapping Details section, select the following settings:

  • Type of Controller: Button
  • Interaction Mode: Hold
  • Assignment: Deck A

(Note: Make sure whichever Deck you choose is set to the same deck as the Load Selected function)

Lastly, in the Button Options section, click to the left of Invert to create a check mark in the box.

By clicking Invert, we have reversed when the Sync On feature is activated. Instead of Sync On being applied when the Load button is pressed down, Sync On is activated when the button is released.

Here's the way we have set up our mapping to work:

When we select a track and press down on the the Load button, the track is loaded up into Deck A. When we released the Load button, Sync On is activated. These two commands appear to happen simultaneously, and Sync On is never deactivated by loading tracks.

Test out your new mapping by clicking Close in the bottom of the Preferences window, and load up a track by clicking the Load button on your controller (or the button you have selected for the mapping). Your tracks should now Load and Sync at the same time!

To save your mapping, you can create a new .tsi file. Open the the Traktor Preferences, and click Export (in the lower left hand corner).

Make sure to leave following boxes are checked: Keyboard Mappings, Controller Mappings, and GUI Layout. You may wish to leave Effect Settings and Other Preferences and Settings Checked as well.

Save your .tsi file in a safe location, and close the Preferences window.

Single FX Mapping

The second mapping that we're going to create allows you to control your dry/wet FX Adjust, and select your FX using the same endless encoder.

Start by navigating to your Traktor Preferences, by clicking Traktor, then Preferences.

In the Effects Section, under the FX Panel Mode, set FX 1 to Single.

Navigate to the Controller Manager section, and in the Device Setup, choose your device or create a new one by clicking Add, then Generic MIDI.

We're going to be creating a Modifier, which allows you to map two or more functions to the same button.

Underneath the Assignment Table, click Add In, Modifier, then select Modifier #1.

In the Device Mappings section, click the Learn button so it turns yellow, and then select a pushable encoder button to assign the modifier to. Press down on the button on your controller, or mouse click in the box to the right of the Learn button. I have chosen to use left Load button.

In the Mapping Details section, select the following settings:

  • Type of Controller: Button
  • Interaction Mode: Hold
  • Assignment: Global

In the Button Options section, set the value to 1.

By setting the value to 1, this basically means when you hold down the button, Modifier #1 is turned on. When you are not pressing the button, the value returns to 0.

In the Assignment table, click Add In, F/X Unit and scroll down to select Dry/Wet Adjust.

In the Device Mapping section, click Learn and turn an endless encoder on your controller (or mouse click to select one). When you are finished, click the Learn button again to deselect it.

In the Mapping Details section, we now have to apply the Modifier.

In the Modifier Conditions, set the Modifier to M1, and the Value to 0.

In the Mapping Details section, select the following settings:

  • Type of Controller: Encoder
  • Interaction Mode: Relative
  • Assignment: FX Unit 1

In the Assignment table, click Add In, F/X Unit and scroll down to select Effect One Selector.

In the Device Mapping section, click Learn and turn the same endless encoder on your controller that you assigned to the Dry/Wet Adjust (or, mouse click to select one). When you are finished, click the Learn button again to deselect it.

In the Mapping Details section, under the Modifier Conditions, set your commands as follows:

  • Modifier: M1
  • Value: 1
  • Type of Controller: Encoder
  • Interaction Mode: Relative
  • Assignment: FX Unit 1

Close the Preferences, and check to see if your new mapping works by turning the encoder you assigned. If you have successfully created your mapping correctly, you should be able to scroll through your D/W adjust when you turn the encoder, and scroll through your Traktor effects when you press and turn the encoder.

Export your mapping, by opening up the Preferences, clicking Export, and saving your .tsi file.

Congratulations on learning two new mappings! I hope you enjoy using them when you DJ.

How To Map Save Button Traktor Pro 3 Download Free Mac

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